To Contribute by Check
Send a check or drop one off in person: 2600 Dixie Hwy, Louisville, KY 40216To Contribute Online
Chapel Park Baptist Church offers online giving via direct-bank (ACH), debit card, or credit card
payment options for you convenience.
( Click here to set up an account )
to edit payment information or change your giving.
( Click here to make a contribution )
You can make an undesignated gift to our General Fund, or designate a gift to one of our special offerings or benevolence funds.
Your account ties to the existing member record via phone number. As you register with the phone number
already in the system, it will verify your identity. E.g. if John Smith is in the database with the number
555-555-5555, when he signs up to give online with the phone number 555-555-5555, it will ask "Are
you John Smith?" to which he will click yes so that anything he gives will automatically be attributed to his
existing member record in your contributions records.
Our online giving solution is powered by Flockbase Software, processed by Forte Payment Systems.
Deposits will appear once the payment is fully completed and imported into FlockBase. This takes roughly a week to occur.