What Should I Expect?
Welcome! It is our desire to make your visit to Chapel Park Baptist Church inviting and enjoyable. Our hope is that you will worship with us through songs of praise, teaching, and Christ-centered preaching. There are many ways for you to engage as a follower of Christ. So come join us!
When Are Your Services?
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:00 AM. Each worship service will provide you with an opportunity to learn about Christ and to become closer to Him through our songs of worship and praise, expositional preaching, and our welcoming congregation.
Join us for Bible classes on Sunday mornings beginning at 11:15 AM.
What Happens When I Get To Chapel Park?
Parking at Chapel Park is located behind the building. As you approach the main entrance a greeter will meet you and direct you to the nursery, classes, sanctuary, etc.
How Should I Dress?
Chapel Park does not have a dress code for members or guests. Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional ‘Sunday’ dress. Modest clothing is all that we ask. Our hope is that you will feel welcome and comfortable during your visit with us.
Am I Expected To Give In The Offering?
No. We do not expect new guests to give at our services. Each week we do take up an offering to further our ministries and various missions that is supported by Chapel Park. During this time our members give as an act of worship and to support the church family.
Please do not feel obligated to participate in the offering as our guest.
Other Questions?
If there’s something we did not address, just give us a call, or ask a greeter when you arrive. Whether you’re new to the Louisville area and/or are looking for a church home we hope your first visit at Chapel Park Baptist will be pleasant!